2022 Ring Sarasota Fall Handbell Workshop Registration

Ring Sarasota is proud to announce its inaugural Fall Handbell Workshop on
Saturday, October 22, 2022 at Pine Shores Presbyterian Church in Sarasota, FL

Attendees will join members of Ring Sarasota for three different class sessions, brushing up on
handbell techniques and learning ways to improve their skills. Directors are encouraged to take
part in a roundtable discussion, focusing on best practices for bell choirs, how to expand your
choir membership, and more!

Ring Sarasota encourages full choirs to participate, but welcomes all ringers interested in honing
their skills. Registration costs $10 per person, but there is a break in price of $80 for
choirs/groups with more than eight participants.

The Ring Sarasota Fall Workshop is scheduled for 9 am – 12:30 pm on Saturday, October 22, 2022.

Registration/check-in starts at 8:30 a.m. Light snacks will be provided. Ringers should
bring their own gloves, but no other equipment is necessary.

Please download the registration packet below, fill it out, and return it by October 1, 2022.

You can email completed forms to info@ringsarasota.org or mail them to
Ring Sarasota
P.O. Box 21153
Sarasota, FL 34276

If you wish to pay for your registration using PayPal, please use the form below.
Alternatively, you may mail us a check with your registration materials.
Please email us at info@ringsarasota.org if you wish to pay by another means.

Ring Sarasota Fall Handbell Workshop 2022 – Registrants